Report my result?

No,I'm not gonna...
It seems like quite a good result for some of my coursemates

I'm not satisfied for it!
especially Basic News Writing and Graphic Design!
how come will be like that??

get a bad result for PR (for me)
but I've got ready for it before I get know the result
so I didn't sad for it.
Maybe next time I should try to understand it for the assignments so that I can get a good result for assignment to help me,but not just simply done it and pass it up or rely on the coursemate will done it as well.

However, I was surprised with my sociology's result
I didn't put much effort for it
but the result come out is the best among the subjects
I still remember I only study it on the night before the exam
p/s: is NIGHT!
I didn't memorise anything
I just try to understand it and bla it myself when the exam

Just take it as a lesson?
because I know what's wrong
but I can't change anything for it
or if you know got anything can enlarge my brain to memorise all the things?

For those got final exam's subjects,
I did well for assignments (except PR)
but I'm worse in memorise
hence, it make me bad in the final exam and cause the grade drop!

For graphic design,
well,art didn't have the standard for the marking
maybe myself think it's nice,but not to the lecturer
so...couldn't blame much

I guess nothing
I wonder whether is I over estimate myself
or I give myself too much pressure?

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